Back Pain


Are you struggling with back pain in? Whether it is your upper, middle, or low back, it is likely that you will experience some form of back pain at in your life. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 80% of the population will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. With numbers like this it’s not surprising that back pain has grown to be the #1 cause of disability. Statistics like this should stimulate concern regarding what causes low back pain, how to prevent it, and what the best form of treatment is once it has developed.


“Muscular Sprains and Tendon or Ligament Strains: “

Strains and sprains can occur in anyone, but they typically occur in people who engage in tasks that their body is not accustom to. For example, a person who attempts to run a marathon during their first outing in the summer is likely to overwork these structures causing damage. Ligament sprains are typically caused by stretching the involved ligament past its limits creating tears. Muscular strains are commonly caused by lifting too heavy of an object, as well as twisting motions. Strains and sprains of the ligaments can be extremely painful, and are often accompanied by swelling and bruising of the surrounding area. Strains and sprains are intimately intertwined with the spine and therefore typically respond well to chiropractic care.

People who are chronically under stress have a very different physiological profile then those who are not. When our bodies are under intense stress, they release various stress hormones to adapt to the situation. Some of the adaptive mechanisms include; an elevated heart rate, an increased blood pressure, an altered immune system, decreased bone density, and decreased muscle mass. If this response is prolonged, elevated stress levels have been shown to contribute to the development of heart disease, digestive issues, depression, obesity, and back pain. All of the tension produced by the stress hormones causes a contraction of muscle tissue that produces “trigger points”. These trigger points can be extremely painful, but thankfully they are treated with a high success rate.

When health care professionals, such as chiropractors, treat the cause of back pain rather than the symptoms, the treatment of back pain becomes less complicated. All of the above stated causes of back pain have one factor in common, misalignments of the vertebrae in the spine. As with any condition, it is recommended to take a conservative, effective, and non-invasive approach to the treatment of back pain first. If you are suffering from back pain or have any further questions, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. At Terrigal Chiropractic – Chiroflexion our unique Spinal treatment approach uses a Motorised Flexion-Distraction table. The treatment is done with you lying down on the table. As the rocking movement gently flexes your Spine pressure is applies to your back that stretches, mobilises and decompresses your Spinal joints..